Mini-tutorial on how to update old license file
15 January 2021
26 August 2021Custom database

A new APF Nexus function allows you to import customized database. You can call the most commonly used materials, for example screws, bolts, etc. Once you have created a database you have to save it in CSV files so the technical characteristics can be recalled with a single click of your mouse.
- 1) If not yet, please download .zip file from the download page

- 2) Extract files in your zipped folder. There you can find the patterns for each customized category (screws, bolts, connectors, timber, concrete…)
- 3) Open and modify .csv filefollowing the header first line. .Csv files can be opened with Excel or LibreOffice. They can also be changed as txt files using the semicolon (;) or saved in .xlsx files maintaining the structure.

- 4) Launch the APF Nexus software.
- 5) Click on the top Tools and open the shared folder by clicking on the little folder Shared data

- 6) Copy all the .csv files with customized databases in the folder
- 7) Close and restart the software
- 8) Click on the icon near the light bulb to call the database

- 9) You will get the customized elements loaded in the file. All the actions from point 1) to point 7) have to be carried out just once or for any subsequent modification of the .csv file